Well, where do I start? I am going to write this a little differently, in two sections, so that you can experience everything with me as I am living through it.

SECTION ONE: As I am sitting here, drinking a glass of red wine, I am excited to share that we are officially on our first flight to Nairobi, first stop Doha. First thoughts that come to mind:

1. Qatar airline just won me over for best food and service

2. Do not recommend flying during COVID

3. How in the heck is my husband going to survive 12 hours wearing a mask and face shield.


So here’s the thing. I wouldn’t let myself get fully excited about going because there were so many things that came up. Just when I felt that I could get excited, something major would pop up, so to save myself the ups and downs, I tried to stay a little on the down side. But let me tell you, when we saw the sign for the Montreal airport and pulled up to the doors, the butterflies and excitement could not be contained: tears came to my eyes. How FREAKING cool is it to have the opportunity to live in a different country?!

Our first flight to Doha is 12 hours. Despite the difficulties with COVID, the staff with Qatar airlines are trying their best and mean well for your safety. For the entire flight you have to wear a face shield and mask. Now, as much as this is extremely uncomfortable, please try to remember that they are doing their best. Yes, it sucks, it is not pleasant, but they are trying to ensure your safety. Here right now, I just finished dinner onboard and they definitely have the best food. I would pay to eat that in a restaurant and my husband said that same thing. Ouuu, and as I just passed my dinner tray back to them, as the offer tea and coffee, they handed me Godiva chocolate! Winnnnnning!

SECTION 2: Okay, so here’s the thing that people I don’t think anyone really knew: During this whole process we didn’t know what our house was going to look like or anything until we arrived. So picture this, we arrive at midnight in Kenya, driving in the dark about a half hour from the airport with the anticipation with every turn… is this our house?! Nope, kept driving. Next turn, same thing. The butterflies were insane!! Finally we turn into a stone driveway and all we can see the a little light shining on a beige stone house. Just from the little we could see outside, it is beautiful! But what does the inside look like? We open the door and both our eyes widened and jaws dropped. First thing we see is a large spiral staircase and massive high ceilings. As our curiosity takes us from room to room we discover this massive 4 bedroom house in the dark. The adrenaline is so high we cannot sleep, who could? We both managed to Facetime our parents back in Canada and they can see the awe in our eyes.

Lets forward to the next morning. As I said, we got there in the dark, couldn’t see anything really, so as I wake up, I pull back the blinds. HOLY MOLY!!! We have a gorgeous back yard with the most beautiful trees and flowers creating our very own oasis. As our neighbours come over and say hello and introduce themselves, each of them pointing out something new about the house that we didn’t even see yet. Did you know that we have a banana tree in our yard? Yeah, me either HAHA. We are currently in quarantine so I’m sure everyday I am going to discover something new!

Enough for now, I’m getting hungry so I am going to make us our first dinner in our new place! Wish me luck!

Until next time,

